Welcome to the Character Info Page, this page contains some spoilers about the characters' personalities that you will probably find out sooner or later, but if you want to see if this is worth reading or not, or just want their stats, read on

Aya Name= Aya Maria Yollano Age= 17 DOB= August 18 Height= 5'8" Hair= orangish Eyes= Brown Occupation= Student/Software Etc. employee

Aya is... almost normal, not that she wants to be, oh no no shes not one of "those." She rooms with Medea at a boarding school just outside of new york (i dont even think there is one but this is my version of the world so nyah). Shes also the daughter of extreme otaku, and has developed a taste for some of that good old geeky stuff too. Her and Medea aren't going out *sheds a tear for Medea* but she's still quite protective of her roommate at times. Aya's life isnt as easy as she would hope, and girl trouble isnt what she had been hoping for but..... that's just too bad ^_^.
Medea Name= Medea Jade James Age= 17 DOB= November 22 Height= 5'6" Hair= Black (some dyed pink) Eyes= brown Occupation= Student/Sofware Etc. employee

I'll admit it; Medea is my favorite! Noooobody agrees with me ;_; ever ;_; well.. maybe sometimes... but still! She's a little more sensitive than Aya (not that Aya doesn't have her sensitive... "moments"), but is physically significantly stronger. Probably due to all the running she does, track team n stuff.
Takashi Name= Takashi Cyle Yollano Age=17 DOB= August 18 Height= 5'8" Hair= Orangish Eyes= brown Occupation= Microsoft employee/Student

Takashi is Aya's twin brother. Planning to take over the empire of Microsoft, he is frequently absent from school but gets away with it due to his connections as the principals computer aid, and his skills as a hacker. A very mysterious young man with big plans, but he loves his sister more than anything else.
Simon Name= Simon Julio Ramulus Age= 20 DOB= May 23 Height= 6'1" Hair= Brown (dyed green) Eyes= green Occupation= Student/Gay stripper

Simon is very ecchi, he likes doing ecchi things to ecchi boys. Love is something he has never really known; any attraction he feels, he will contritube to lust (almost always the truth too). He used to date Medea's sister before he came out of the closet and has been a close friend of Medea ever since. A couple of his other favorite things to do is scare his roommates at college, and help Aya fill things with cheese.