Well this isn't quite the FAQs page in the true sense of the phrase because not many people read this
comic yet *voices: and they never will* ;_; so they can't exactly ask questions, so I'll just make up a few questions which I think
you might ask.
And so:
1. Are Aya and Medea a couple- no
2. Is Takashi gay- no
3. Are they in college- nope, highschool
4. Could you help me set up a webcomic of my own- no, because Im terrible at this but I can refer some really good tutorial sites
5. Are you legal- no, gimme a year
6. do you like cheese- mmmm cheese
7. Why does your webcomic suck- fuck off
8. Why dont you update it all the time- I go to Stuyvesant High School (for those who dont live in NYC substitute the word hell).... *laughs* ok its cuz im lazy
9. Why do you like cheese- its perfect
10. Will you link to my webcomic- maybe, send me a link, ill read it